Translated's Research Center


South America

To which language should you translate to localize in Brazil?

What we know from our community

“Brazil is a country of continental dimensions and as such home for a variety of ethnic groups, customs, and dialects. Portuguese is its official language, even though there are several Amerindian languages still spoken by its indigenous population. Brazil is by far the world’s largest Portuguese-speaking nation and the only one in the Americas. The Portuguese spoken in Brazil varies from one region to another and it is also notably different from the one spoken in Portugal – the accent, meaning of certain words and expressions, verbal conjugation, use of pronouns, etc. It can actually be challenging for a Brazilian person to understand someone from Portugal! The differences in written language are fewer but still quite evident. Therefore, if you want your text or audio to come across nicely and sound native in Brazil, you must translate it into the Brazilian variant of the Portuguese language.”

What the 150 top websites do

Of the top 150 website (Global by design ranking):

  • 136/150 translate into Brazilian Portuguese.
  • 29/150 translate into English.
  • 1/150 translates into the Brazilian Sign Language.

If you need others information, below you can find a selection of economic/social/cultural data



Official language
Portuguese (97.9%)


T-Index ranks countries according to their potential for online sales.

Other languages
Indigenous (1.9%) : Apalaí, Arára, Bororo, Canela, Carajá, Carib, Guarani, Kaingang, Nadëb, Nheengatu, Pirahã, Terena, Tucano, Tupiniquim, Ye’kuana

Low proficiency (EF) – 70 of 113 countries/regions in the world- 15/20 position in Latin America.


Capital: Brasilia
Currency: Brazilian real
Population: 215.31 mln
Population density: 26/km2


GDP: 1.92 Trillion USD (2022)
GDP per capita: 8,917.7 USD ‎(2022) ‎
Exports: $341 billion (2022)


Internet users: 86.6% penetration, 187.9 million
Unemployment rate: 9.2% (2022)
Urbanisation: 88% (2022)
Literacy: 95% (2022)


Numbering system
Arabic numbering system with the comma as decimal separator

Date format: dd – mm – yyyy
Time:  24h time system
Country code: 0055

Language data sources: Worldatlas/Britannica//EF/Wikipedia; Demography data sources: IMF/Worldometers; Conventions data source: Wikipedia; Economy data sources: WTO/OEC/CIA/Esomar/Datareportal; Statistics data sources: Datareportal/WorldBank/UN/UNESCO/CEIC/IMF/Culturalatlas/Commisceoglobal

Facts and data


$270 billion (2022). Refined Petroleum ($23B), Crude Petroleum ($8.78B), Motor vehicles; parts and accessories (8701 to 8705) ($7.96B), Potassic Fertilizers ($7.59B), and Mixed Mineral or Chemical Fertilizers ($7.44B), importing mostly from China ($64B), United States ($49.4B),  Germany ($13.5B), Argentina ($12.6B), and India ($9.78B).
In 2022, Brazil was the world’s biggest importer of Potassic Fertilizers ($7.59B), Pesticides ($7.06B), Phosphatic Fertilizers ($1.39B), Malt ($715M), and Hydrazine or Hydroxylamine Derivatives ($261M).

Financial inclusion factors (over 15 years of  age)
• 83.6% have an account with a financial institution
• 40.4% have a credit card
• 27% have a mobile money account
• 28.1% make online purchases

Ease of doing business
Medium, ease of conducting business is rated 59.1 out of 100, ranked 17th out of 32 Latin American and Caribbean countries and 124th worldwide out of 190 countries (2022, World Bank).

$341 billion (2022). Soybeans ($47.2B), Crude Petroleum ($43.1B), Iron Ore ($30.1B), Refined Petroleum ($12.9B), and Corn ($12.4B), exporting mostly to China ($90.1B), United States ($36.6B), Argentina ($15.4B), Netherlands ($11.8B), and Spain ($9.78B).
In 2022, Brazil was the world’s biggest exporter of Soybeans ($47.2B), Raw Sugar ($11.5B), Frozen Bovine Meat ($11B), Poultry Meat ($8.95B), and Coffee ($8.86B).

Main local online stores
Mercado Livre,, Amazon Brazil, Magazine Luiza, Casas Bahia, Submarino, Netshoes,, Dafiti, Shoptime

Economic freedom
‘Mostly unfree’ (rated 53.2 out of 100) 26th amongst 32 countries in Latin America 133 worldwide out of 186 countries (2024, Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal).

Global Innovation Index
Ranked 1st out of 19 Latin America and the
Caribbean countries, 49th out of 132 worldwide.

The Global Innovation Index captures the innovation
ecosystem performance of 132 economies and tracks the most recent global innovation trends.

Economy data sources: WTO/OEC/CIA/Esomar/Datareportal

Service Imports (2019)
Service Exports (2019)

Source: OEC

Trade balance of goods from 2012 to 2022

Source: Statista

Historical Data Trade Imports

The following section uses historical trade data imports from partners of Brazil.

Historical Data Trade Exports

The following section uses historical trade data exports from partners of Brazil.

Source: OEC

The Top Export Opportunities for Brazil by Relatedness

Relatedness measures the distance between a country's current exports and each product by showing only products that Brazil is not specialized in.

Brazil's Most Complex Exports

The Product Complexity Index (PCI) measures the knowledge intensity of a product by considering the knowledge intensity of its exporters.

Source: OEC

Brazil's Most Specialized Products

Specialization is measured using Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), an index that takes the ratio between Brazil observed and expected exports in each product.

Source: OEC

Perception of products made in selected countries in 2017

Source: Statista

Which attributes do you associate with products made in Brazil?

Source: Statista

Market Growth Imports (2019)

This score represents the likelihood that the given country will start importing that product in the next few years. It forecasts the opening of a new specific market.

Market Growth Exports (2019)

This score represents the likelihood that the given country will start exporting that product in the next few years. It forecasts the opening of a new specific market.

Source: OEC

Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDP)

Source: WorldBank

Preferred e-commerce payment methods
Preferred e-commerce platform in $ billions

Source: J.P. Morgan 2019 Payment Trends

Number of migrant registrations in Brazil in 2022, by country of origin

Source: Statista



Reach most of the online purchasing power

T-Index ranks countries according to their potential for online sales. It estimates the market share of each country in relation to global e-commerce.

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Media language

Information channels
Television dominates South America’s biggest media market. There are hundreds of TV networks and thousands of radio stations. Brazilian-made dramas and soaps – known as novelas – are shown around the world. Game shows and reality TV attract huge audiences. Media ownership is highly concentrated. Conglomerates such as Globo, the leading broadcaster, dominate the market and run TV and radio outlets, newspapers and pay TV. Freedom House states that many private media organisations are owned by individuals with political connections, who use the outlets to promote their own interests. The constitution guarantees a free press and there is vigorous media debate about politics and social issues. But Reporters Without Borders says Brazil is one of Latin America’s most violent countries for journalists with a “climate of impunity fuelled by ubiquitous corruption”. Politicians often use restrictive laws to silence journalists or media outlets, says the Committee to Protect Journalists. There is a “digital divide” between regions and between urban and rural areas, says Freedom House. Brazilians are among the world’s top users of social media. Facebook is the leading social platform and WhatsApp is the top communication application. There are no indications of widespread blocking online, but internet freedom is constrained by attacks on bloggers, defamation laws and restrictions on election-related content, says Freedom House.

The press

O Dia – Rio de Janeiro daily
O Correio Brazilense – influential daily
O Globo – Globo-owned Rio de Janeiro daily
Jornal do Brasil – Rio de Janeiro daily
Folha de Sao Paulo – daily
O Estado de Sao Paulo – daily


TV Band – commercial network operated by Grupo Bandeirantes
Rede Globo – market leader, operated by Globo
Sistema Brasileiro de Televisao (SBT) – major commercial network
TV Record – major commercial network
TV Brasil – operated by state-run EBC
Rede TV – commercial network
TV Cultura – public, educational and cultural


Radio Nacional – FM and medium wave (AM) networks operated by state-run EBC
Globo Radio
– commercial networks operated by
Radio Bandeirantes
– network operated by Grupo Bandeirantes

News agency

Agencia Brasil – state-owned
Agencia Estado – private, Sao Paulo-based
Agencia Globo – private
UOL – popular portal
G1 – news website, operated by Globo

Media data source: BBC

Internet Data

Internet users
86.6% penetration, 187.9 million

Share of web traffic by device
52.19% mobile phones, 47.09% computers (laptops and desktops), 0.60% tablet devices, others 0.12%

Median speed of mobile Internet connection
47.09  Mbps

Median speed of fixed Internet connection
140.46 Mbps

Mobile connection as a percentage of total population: 96.9%

Percentage of mobile connections that are broadband (3G-5G): 95.9%

Most popular web search engines
Google (96.17%), Bing (2.61%), Yahoo! (0.96%), Yandex (0.11%), DuckduckGo (0.1%), other (0.04%).

Most used social media
Facebook (35.85%), Instagram (24.04%), Pinterest (22.69%), Twitter (9.11), YouTube (7.17%), Tumblr (0.45%), Reddit (0.34%), other (0.34%)

Internet data sources: Datareportal/Statcounter

Proportion of households with Internet Access (2017)
Percentage of the total number of households
TOTAL 6139
Individuals who have never access the Internet by main reason for never having using it
Lack of interest Lack of computer skillsToo expensiveTo avoid contact with dangerous contentLack of needNo place to use itConcerns with security or privacyOthers/ does not know/did not answer
TOTAL 82926417394
A3122400 0700
10 to 15 1613111927276
16 to 245171163341211
25 to 34816115264292
35 to 442021248142101
45 to 59630242214104

Social statistics

Life expectancy
73 yrs (2021)

Corruption perceptions Index
Brazil scored 38 out of 100, ranked 94 out 180 countries worldwide.

Current health expenditure
10.31% of GDP

CO2 emissions
1.9 metric tons per capita

World Happiness Index
Brazil ranked 38 out of 146 countries, with a score of 6.293.

Current education expenditure
96.3% of total expenditure in public institutions

Social statistics sources: WorldBank/UN/UNESCO/CEIC/IMF

The Data Factbook is a work in progress project. Our community is helping us to fill it up always with new and updated data. Your contribution is precious. If you want to help us, please write your advices at

Languages research

Languages of Brazil


  • 1- Arawá

  • 2- Arikèm

  • 3- Aruák

  • 4- Borôro

  • 5- Chiquito

  • 6- Guaikuru

  • 7- Guató

  • 8- Iranxe

  • 9- Jê

  • 10- Juruna

  • 11- Karajá

  • 12- Karib

  • 13- Katukina

  • 14- Krenák

  • 15- Makú

  • 16- Mawé

  • 17- Maxakali

  • 18- Mondé

  • 19- Mundurukú

  • 20- Mura

  • 21- Nambikwara

  • 22- Ofayé

  • 23- Puroborá

  • 24- Ramarama

  • 25- Rikbaktsá

  • 26- Tikúna

  • 27- Tukano

  • 28- Tupari

  • 29- Tupi-Guarani

  • 30- Txapakúra

  • 31- Yanomami

  • 32- Yatê

  • 33- Aikaná e Koazá

  • 34- Aikaná e Nambikwára

  • 35- Arúak e Jê

  • 36- Arúak e Pano

  • 37- Arúak e Tupi-Guarani

  • 38- Jê e Krenák

  • 39 Jê e Tupi-Guarani

  • 40- Kanoê e Tupari

  • 41- Katukina e Pano

  • 42- Arúak, Crioulo, Francês e Karib

  • 43- Arúak, Makú, Tukano, Tupi-Guarani

  • 44- Aikaná, Jabuti, Kanoê, Mondé e Tupari

  • 45- Arúak, Aweti, Jê, Jurana, Karib, Tupi-Gurani e Trumái

  • 46- Portuguese

Brazilian Portuguese: most prominent accent variations


  • Voce used as “You”

  • Tu used as “You” (correct conjugation)

  • Tu used as “You” (”incorrect” conjugation)

  • American “R” after vowels (caipira accent)

  • Portuguese “S” (”sh”)

Main indigenous populations in Brazil

Source: The Passenger

The geographical distribution of languages that you will find in the maps published in this section is a work in progress. Our community is helping us to fill it up with always new and updated data. Your contribution is precious. If you want to help us, please write to

Photo credit: Gabriel Ramos, Unsplash