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What language should you translate to localize in Albania?

What we know from our community

The Albanian language, belonging to the Indo-European language family, occupies a distinct branch as a unique language. Within Albanian, there are two main dialects known as Geg and Tosk. Geg is primarily spoken in regions located north of the Shkumbin River, extending into Montenegro and eastward towards Kosovo, North Macedonia, and other neighbouring states. Tosk is predominantly spoken in the southern region of Albania and the southwestern region of North Macedonia and further.

According to the Congress of Orthography of the Albanian Language of 1972, the literary language is a combination of both dialects but is primarily based on the Tosk dialect. Additionally, the literary language is considered the standard Albanian language not only in Albania but also everywhere else, it is the official language in Albania and Kosovo, and is spoken by more than 6 million people in these two countries and beyond.

Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that different variants of Albanian dialects are spoken today by the Arbëreshë community in Italy, Romania, Croatia, and elsewhere.

Albania, being a crossroads of different civilizations, has been influenced by various cultures, leading to changes and enrichment of the language.

When addressing this audience, you have two approaches to consider:

The first approach is to utilise the standard language, ensuring that your message is universally understood without any difficulties, regardless of the location.

The second approach involves using the Geg dialect for Albanian speakers in Kosovo and other adjacent regions who regularly use this dialect in their daily communication. Simultaneously, you would employ the standard language for audiences in Albania.


Gjuha shqipe është një gjuhë unike, e cila i përket një degëzimi të veçantë të familjes së gjuhëve indo-evropiane. Ajo ka dy dialekte kryesore: dialekti Geg dhe Toskë. Gegërishtja flitet kryesisht në zonat në veri të lumit Shkumbin deri në Malin e zi, duke u shtrirë në lindje deri në Kosovë, Maqedoninë e Veriut dhe shtetet e tjera fqinje. Toskërishtja flitet në Shqipërinë e jugut dhe në jugperëndim të Maqedonisë e më tutje.

Gjuha letrare sipas Kongresit tĂ« Drejtshkrimit tĂ« GjuhĂ«s Shqipe tĂ« vitit 1972 Ă«shtĂ« njĂ« kombinim i tĂ« dy dialekteve, por qĂ« bazohet kryesisht nĂ« dialektin ToskĂ«. Gjithashtu, gjuha letrare Ă«shtĂ« e konsideruar si gjuha standarde shqipe nĂ« ShqipĂ«ri dhe kudo tjetĂ«r. Ajo Ă«shtĂ« gjuha zyrtare nĂ« ShqipĂ«ri dhe nĂ« KosovĂ« dhe flitet nga mĂ« shumĂ« se 6 milionĂ« njerĂ«z nĂ« kĂ«to dy shtete e mĂ« gjerĂ«. 

Gjithashtu, vlen të përmendet që variante të ndryshme të dialekteve të gjuhës shqipe fliten edhe sot nga arbëreshët e Italisë, Rumanisë, Kroacisë etj.
ShqipĂ«ria duke qĂ«nĂ« njĂ« udhĂ«kalim i disa qytetĂ«rimeve, ndikimet e kulturave tĂ« ndryshme kanĂ« sjellĂ« ndryshimin dhe pasurimin e gjuhĂ«s. 

Kur i drejtoheni audiencĂ«s shqiptare, mund tĂ« ndiqni dy mĂ«nyra: 

E para, tĂ« pĂ«rdorni gjuhĂ«n standarde duke u siguruar qĂ« mesazhi juaj tĂ« kuptohet gjerĂ«sisht, pa asnjĂ« vĂ«shtirĂ«si, pavarĂ«sisht vendndodhjes. 

E dyta, të përdorni dialektin Geg për shqipfolësit në Kosovë dhe në rajonet e tjera kufitare që e përdorin këtë dialekt rregullisht në komunikimet e tyre të përditshme, si dhe, njëkohësisht, të përdorni gjuhën standarde për audiencën në Shqipëri.

vis du vil læse H.C. Andersens eventyr med hans egne ord, skal du lære dansk – et sprog, der stammer fra oldnordisk, som var det sprog, der blev talt i Skandinavien i vikingetiden. I dag er danskerne venligere indstillet, og omtales ofte som nogle af de lykkeligste mennesker i verden, men sproget bliver stadig betragtet som et af de sværeste at lære for udlændinge. Og så er vi ikke engang begyndt at tale om dialekterne endnu. På trods af landets beskedne størrelse er nogle dialekter så forskellige, at selv indfødte danskere fra forskellige dele af landet kan have svært ved at forstå hinanden. Det gode er, at dette hovedsageligt gælder for talesprog, og hvis man vælger at lokalisere til det danske marked, følger det danske skriftsprog  den samme standard på tværs af landet.

Et af de mere berømte uoversættelige ord er hygge. Det er en central del af dansk kultur, og ifølge definitionen i Wikipedia er det et ord, der “indebærer noget rart, afslappet, trygt og genkendeligt“. Det er dog ikke et specifikt dansk fænomen. Alle kulturer ved, hvordan man hygger sig, men danskerne (og nordmændene) har bare et ord for det, og selvom de mĂĄske har svært ved at beskrive det, ved de alle med det samme, om noget er hyggeligt eller ej.

Ardita,  Language Lead for Airbnb at Translated.



Official language
Albanian 98%


T-Index ranks countries according to their potential for online sales.

Other languages
Greek 0.5%, others 0.6% (including Macedonian, Romani, Vlach, Turkish, Italian, and Serbo-Croatian)

Moderate proficiency (EF) – 47 of 111 countries/regions in the world- 32/35 position in Europe.


Capital: Tirana
Currency: Lek
Population: 2,81 m
Population density: 104/km2


GDP: 18.26 billion USD (2020)
GDP per capita: 6,492.9 USD ‎(2020) ‎
Exports: $3.49 billion (2021)


Internet users: 80.1 % penetration, 2.27 million
Unemployment rate: 11.8% (2023)
Urbanisation: 62.97% (2020)
Literacy: 98% (2021)


Numbering system
Arabic numerals and comma as decimal separator

Date format: dd-mm-yyyy
Time: 24h time system
Country code: 00355

Language data sources: Worldatlas/Britannica//EF/Wikipedia; Demography data sources: IMF/Worldometers; Conventions data source: Wikipedia; Economy data sources: WTO/OEC/CIA/Esomar/Datareportal; Statistics data sources: Datareportal/WorldBank/UN/UNESCO/CEIC/IMF/Culturalatlas/Commisceoglobal

Facts and data


$7.59 billion (2021).  Refined Petroleum ($602M), Cars ($227M), Packaged Medicaments ($214M), Electricity ($203M), and Raw Iron Bars ($166M), importing mostly from Italy ($1.91B), Greece ($1.62B), Turkey ($790M), China ($586M), and Germany ($359M).

Financial inclusion factors (over 15 years of  age)
• 8% have an account with a financial institution
• 1.1% have a credit card
• 2.4% have a mobile money account
• 7.3% make online purchases

Ease of doing business
It is easy to conduct business (rated 67.7 out of 100) ranked 21st out of 44 European and Central Asian countries ranked 82nd out of 190 countries worldwide (2020, World Bank).

$3.49 billion (2021). Footwear Parts ($272M), Leather Footwear ($254M), Electricity ($204M), Crude Petroleum ($204M), and Ferroalloys ($157M), exporting mostly to Italy ($1.42B), Greece ($441M), Spain ($211M), Germany ($174M), and China ($149M).

Economic freedom
‘Moderately free’ (rated 65.3 out of 100) ranked 27th out of 44 European countries ranked 49th out of 186 countries worldwide (2023, Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal).

Economy data sources: WTO/OEC/CIA/Esomar/Datareportal

Service Imports (2018)

Source: OEC

Service Exports (2018)

Source: OEC

Most specialised products by RCA Index

Specialisation is measured using Revealed Comparative Advantage, an index that takes the ratio between Albania observed and expected exports in each product

Source: OEC

Most Complex Products by PCI

Product Complexity Index measures the knowledge intensity of a product by considering the knowledge intensity of its exporters

Source: OEC

Export Opportunities by Relatedness

Relatedness measures the distance between a country's current exports and each product, the barchart show only products that Albania is not specialized in

Source: OEC

Volume of payments/transfers processed by payment instrument over time
Distribution of payments/transfers volume processed by instrument over time (%)

Source: WorldBank

Growth rate of payments/transfers volume by instruments over time (%)

Source: WorldBank

Total value of credit card payments in Albania from 2008 to 2018 (in million Albanian lek)

Source: WorldBank


Media language
English, Albanian

The press

Shekulli – private daily
Gazeta Shqiptare – private daily
Panorama – private daily
Gazeta Dita – private daily
Gazeta Mapo – private daily
Tirana Times – English-language


Albanian Radio and TV (RTSh) – public, operates two networks
Top Channel – national, private
TV Klan – national, private
Vizion Plus – national, private


Albanian Radio and TV (RTSh) – public
Top Albania Radio – national, private
Club FM – national, private

News agency

Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA) – English-language pages
BalkanWeb – news website
NOA – news website
Albanian Daily News – English-language news site

Media data source: BBC

Internet Data

Internet users
80.1 % penetration, 2.27 million

Share of web traffic by device
86.18% mobile phones, 13.01% computers (laptops and desktops), 0.80% tablet devices and 0.01% other devices

Median speed of mobile Internet connection
44.63 mbps

Median speed of fixed Internet connection
39.29 mbps

Mobile connection as a percentage of total population: 122.2%

Percentage of mobile connections that are broadband (3G-5G): 73.4%

Most popular web search engines
Google (98.12%), Bing (0.95%), Yahoo (0.56%), DuckDuckgo (0.17%), Yandex (0.15%), Ecosia (0.03%)

Most used social media
Facebook (94.78%), Instagram (2.99%), Pinterest (0.84%), Twitter (0.82%), YouTube (0.36%), Reddit (0.11%)

Internet data sources: Datareportal/Statcounter

Social statistics

Life expectancy
76 yrs (2021)

Average age of the population
36.4 yrs (2020)

Current education expenditure
88.6% of total expenditure in public institutions

World Happiness Index
Albania was ranked 90 out of 137 countries, with a score of 5.199

The World Happiness Index measures happiness based on respondent ratings of their own lives, correlated with other life factors.

Privileges: It is obvious that if personal relationships carry excessive weight (e.g. preferred treatment, pay increases, hiring of friends or family) misunderstanding of business or job relations can occur. Usually, such situations do not occur and having family members in the same workplace is not a common thing; you see this only in small, private businesses.

CO2 emissions
1.7 metric tons per capita

Current Health Expenditure

Corruption Perception Index
Albania scored 36 out of 100, ranked 101 out of 180 countries

The CPI measures the perception of corruption due to the difficulty of measuring absolute levels of corruption.

In general, the Albanian person is not religious and at the same time does not judge other people with religious convictions. For them, faith is a personal matter and is not taught at home. It is common to see marriages of people with different religious names or backgrounds. The characteristic element of Albanian history is the peaceful co-existence of different religions. Albanians do not harass people due to their class, origin, or ethnicity. The attitudes regarding gender, religion, class, and ethnicity do not have any impact on the workplace, where endeavor through productivity, teamwork, and respect are the leading values..

Albanian people regard both men and women equally. It is common to see men and women in all workplaces, but men carry out the hard professions. Men lead the family and the women strive to keep a clean house, and a warm home, and together with their husbands, they look after their children with great attention.

Social statistics sources: WorldBank/UN/UNESCO/CEIC/IMF

Tertiary education in Albania

Source: UNESCO

Tertiary education in Albania, by gender

Source: UNESCO

The Data Factbook is a work-in-progress project. Our community is helping us to fill it up always with new and updated data. Your contribution is precious. If you want to help us, please write your advice at

Languages research

Languages spoken in Albania


  • Albanian

  • Greek

  • Serbian

  • Aromanian

  • Macedonian

The geographical distribution of languages that you will find in the maps published in this section is a work in progress. Our community is helping us to fill it up with always new and updated data. Your contribution is precious. If you want to help us, please write to

Photo credit: George Kourounis, Unsplash