To which language should you translate to localize in Cyprus?
What the 150 top websites do
Of the top 150 website (Global by design ranking):
- 60/150 translate into English.
- 21/150 translate into Greek.
If you need others information, below you can find a selection of economic/social/cultural data
Official languages
Greek and Turkish.
T-Index ranks countries according to their potential for online sales.
Actual languages
Armenian, Cypriot Arabic.
Most studied languages
English (4.1%), Romanian (2.9%), Russian (2.5%), Bulgarian (2.2%), Arabic (1.2%), Filipino (1.1%), other languages (4.3%).
Capital: Nicosia
Currency: Euro
Population: 1.25 mln
Population density: 135/km2
GDP: 29.25 billion USD (2022)
GDP per capita: 32,048.2 USD ‎(2022) ‎
Exports: $5.16 billion (2021)
Internet users: 90.9% penetration, 1.14 million
Unemployment rate: 6.8% (2022)
Urbanisation: 67% (2022)
Literacy: 99% (2021)
Numbering system
Arabic numerals with comma as decimal separator.
Date format: dd – mm – yyyy
Time: 24h time system
Country code: 00357
Language data sources: Worldatlas/Britannica//EF/Wikipedia; Demography data sources: IMF/Worldometers; Conventions data source: Wikipedia; Economy data sources: WTO/OEC/CIA/Esomar/Datareportal; Statistics data sources: Datareportal/WorldBank/UN/UNESCO/CEIC/IMF/Culturalatlas/Commisceoglobal
Facts and data
$14.8 billion (2021). Refined Petroleum ($2.74B), Passenger and Cargo Ships ($1.05B), Packaged Medicaments($434M), Cars ($434M), and Planes, Helicopters, and/or Spacecraft ($332M), importing mostly from Greece ($4.47B), Turkey ($1.18B), Italy ($1.12B), China ($934M), and Germany ($748M).
Financial inclusion factors (over 15 years of age)
• 93.1% have an account with a financial institution
• 32.5% have a credit card
Ease of doing business
Very easy to conduct business (rated 73.4 out of 100). Ranked 14th out of 24 European and Central Asian countries. Ranked 54th out of 190 countries worldwide (2022, World Bank).
$5.16 billion (2021). Passenger and Cargo Ships ($928M), Refined Petroleum ($532M), Packaged Medicaments ($484M), Cheese ($349M), and Recreational Boats ($294M), exporting mostly to Greece ($744M), Lebanon ($349M), Marshall Islands ($297M), United Kingdom ($271M), and Israel ($249M).
Economic freedom
‘Mostly free’ (rated 72.3 out of 100). Ranked 12th out of 44 European countries. Ranked 18th out of 176 countries worldwide (2022, Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal).
Global Innovation Index
Ranked 2nd out of 19 Northern African and Western Asian countries, and 27th out of 132 worldwide.
The Global Innovation Index captures the innovation
ecosystem performance of 132 economies and tracks the most recent global innovation trends.
Economy data sources: WTO/OEC/CIA/Esomar/Datareportal
Service Imports (2020)
Service Exports (2020)
Source: OEC
Trade balance of goods from 2012 to 2022
Source: Statista
Historical Data Trade Imports
The following section uses historical trade data imports from partners of Cyprus.
Historical Data Trade Exports
The following section uses historical trade data exports from partners of Cyprus.
Source: OEC
The Top Export Opportunities for Cyprus by Relatedness
Relatedness measures the distance between a country's current exports and each product by showing only products that Cyprus is not specialized in.
Cyprus's Most Complex Exports
The Product Complexity Index (PCI) measures the knowledge intensity of a product by considering the knowledge intensity of its exporters.
Source: OEC
Cyprus's Most Specialized Products
Specialization is measured using Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), an index that takes the ratio between Cyprus observed and expected exports in each product.
Source: OEC
Market Growth Imports (2020)
This score represents the likelihood that the given country will start importing that product in the next few years. It forecasts the opening of a new specific market.
Market Growth Exports (2020)
This score represents the likelihood that the given country will start exporting that product in the next few years. It forecasts the opening of a new specific market.
Source: OEC
Foreign direct investment, net inflows (BoP, current US$)
Source: OEC
Total number of debit and credit cards in Cyprus in 2000 and 2022
Source: Statista

Reach most of the online purchasing power
T-Index ranks countries according to their potential for online sales. It estimates the market share of each country in relation to global e-commerce.
Try it nowMedia
Media language Greek, Turkish and English.
Information channels
The Cypriot media mirror the island’s political division, with the Turkish-controlled zone in the north operating its own press and broadcasters. State-run radio and TV compete with private operators, and relays of Greek and Turkish stations are on air across the island.
Freedom of speech is generally respected and a vibrant private press often criticises the authorities, says US-based Freedom House.
The press
Cyprus Mail – English-language daily
The Cyprus Weekly – English-language
Phileleftheros – Greek-language daily
Politis – Greek-language daily
Simerini – Greek-language daily
Kibris Gazete (northern Cyprus) – Turkish-language
Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (CyBC) – public, operates CyBC1, CyBC2 and a satellite network
ANT1 – commercial
Mega TV – commercial
Sigma TV – commercial
Bayrak Radio-TV (northern Cyprus) – operates BRT 1, BRT 2
Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (CyBC) – public, operates Proto (in Greek), Deutero (in English, Turkish, Armenian), Trito (in Greek) and Radio Love
Radio Proto – commercial
Radio Astra – commercial
ANT1 FM – commercial
Bayrak Radio-TV (northern Cyprus) – operates Bayrak Radio 1 (in Turkish), Bayrak International (in English), Bayrak FM and Bayrak Klasik
News agency
Cyprus News Agency – “semi-governmental” news agency
TAK (northern Cyprus)
Media data source: BBC
Internet Data
Internet users
90.9% penetration, 1.14 million
Share of web traffic by device
52.11% mobile phones, 46.24% computers (laptops and desktops), 1.63% tablet devices and 0.02% other devices.
Median speed of mobile Internet connection
64.26 Mbps
Median speed of fixed Internet connection
36.50 Mbps
Mobile connection as a percentage of total population: 152%
Percentage of mobile connections that are broadband (3G-5G): 96.8%
Most popular web search engines
Google (95.13%), Bing (1.94%), Yandex (1.9%) Yahoo! (0.59%), DuckDuckGo (0.27%), other (0.16%).
Most used social media
Facebook (67.91%), Instagram (13.21%), Twitter (6.78%), Pinterest (6.14%), YouTube (4.75%), LinkedIn (0.66%), reddit (0.3%), other (0.24%).
Internet data sources: Datareportal/Statcounter
Social statistics
Life expectancy
81 yrs (2021)
Corruption perceptions Index
Cyprus scored 52 out of 100, ranked 51st out of 180 countries worldwide.
Current health expenditure
8.09% of GDP
World Happiness Index
Cyprus ranked 41st out of 137 countries, with a score of 6.221.
CO2 emissions
5.5 metric tons per capita
Current education expenditure
97% of total expenditure in public institutions
Social statistics sources: WorldBank/UN/UNESCO/CEIC/IMF
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Languages research
Languages spoken in Cyprus

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Photo credit: tunart, iStock