To which language should you translate to localize in Spain?
What we know from our community
“One is for certain: Spain, there is only one. But what about the Spanish language? Formally, what it is spoken both in Spain and LATAM, it is known as Spanish. Nevertheless, in practice, Spain’s Spanish and LATAM’s are –literally and metaphorically– quite far away. The same occurs with the variations of Spanish within the South European country, whose diversity applies not only to geography and gastronomy, but also to the most “living” thing: language.
Consequently, someone from the very southern Spain (Andalucia for instance), may not only use different idiomatic expressions and inflections, but also have their own distinctive accent that makes it very difficult for someone from Asturias or País Vasco to understand.
Then there is the fact that Spanish is actually not “alone”: Basque, Catalan and Galician, among other minor varieties, complete the linguistic picture of this rich country.“
What the top 150 best localized websites in the world do in Spain
(Top 150 websites listed in the Global by Design ranking – published annually by Byte Level Research, this report provides a list of globally localized websites, showcasing best practices and emerging trends in their globalization)
124/150 localize by translating into Spanish
6/150 localize by translating into Spanish, Catalan, Galician and Basque
5/150 localize by translating into both Spanish and Catalan
1/150 localizes by translating into Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque and Spanish Sign Language
1/150 localizes by translating into Spanish, Catalan and Basque
1/150 localizes by translating into both Spanish and Portuguese
1/150 localizes by translating into Spanish, French and Simplified Chinese
1/150 localizes by translating into Spanish, French, German, Italian and Simplified Chinese
1/150 localizes by translating into Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Polish and Russian
1/150 localizes by translating into Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Russian
1/150 localizes by translating into Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Polish, Nederland, Hungarian, Swedish, Arabic and Czech
1/150 localizes by translating into Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Hungarian, Thai, Ukrainian, Bahasa Indonesia, Turkish and Romanian
American Airlines
American Express
British Airways
Cisco Systems
Eli Lilly
Ernst & Young
Four Seasons
HP Enterprise
InterContinental Hotels
Jack Daniel's
Jehovah’s Witnesses
John Deere
Land Rover
Louis Vuitton
Mitsubishi Electric
Pitney Bowes
Procter & Gamble
Royal Caribbean
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
United Airlines
Volvo Cars
Western Union
Xiaomi (Mi)
Available in
If you need others information, below you can find a selection of economic/social/cultural data
Official language Spanish (Castilian) throughout the country, as well as Catalan and Aranese in the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, Valencian in Valencia and the Balearic Islands, Galician in Galicia, Basque in the Basque Country and parts of Navarre.
Actual languages Catalan (17.0%), Galician (7.0%), Basque (2.0%)
T-index 1.4%
T-Index ranks countries according to their potential for online sales.
Dialects and other languages Aragonese, Asturian/Leonese, Varieties: Eonavian (Galician-Austrian), Portuguese of Spain, Caló, Erromintxela, Riffian Berber (in Melilla), Darija (in Ceuta), Extremaduran, Cantabrian and other varieties of Spanish.
Imports $473 billion (2022). Crude Petroleum ($42.6B), Petroleum Gas ($24.6B), Cars ($18.2B), Packaged Medicaments ($13.2B), and Motor vehicles; parts and accessories (8701 to 8705) ($12.8B), importing mostly from Germany ($49.7B), China ($47B), France ($46.4B), Italy ($32.8B), and United States ($29.6B).
In 2022, Spain was the world’s biggest importer of Tar ($201M), Electric Locomotives ($190M), Fat and Oil Residues ($180M), Other Locomotives ($152M), and Olive Oil ($114M).
Financial inclusion factors (over 15 years of age) • 98.3% have an account with a financial institution • 56.6% have a credit card • 65% make online purchases
Ease of doing business It is very easy to conduct business (rated 77.9 out of 100) ranked 19th out of 34 OECD high income countries and ranked 30th out of 190 countries worldwide (2023, World Bank).
Exports $394 billion (2022). Cars ($33.6B), Refined Petroleum ($17.2B), Packaged Medicaments ($12.7B), Motor vehicles; parts and accessories (8701 to 8705) ($10.6B), and Vaccines, blood, antisera, toxins and cultures ($7.57B), exporting mostly to France ($65.2B), Germany ($39.2B), Portugal ($34.9B), Italy ($32.1B), and United Kingdom ($22.6B).
In 2022, Spain was the world’s biggest exporter of Pig Meat ($5.92B), Pure Olive Oil ($4.43B), Citrus ($3.65B), Prepared Pigments ($1.21B), and Cucumbers ($969M)
Main local online stores Amazon, El Corte Inglés, eBay, Alibaba, Media Markt and Google Shopping.
Economic freedom ‘Moderately free’ (63.3 out of 100) ranked 30th out of 44 European countries ranked 55th out of 184 countries worldwide (2024, Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal).
Global Innovation Index Ranked 18th out of 39 European countries, 29th out of 132 worldwide.
The Global Innovation Index captures the innovation ecosystem performance of 132 economies and tracks the most recent global innovation trends.
Specialization is measured using Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), an index that takes the ratio between Spain observed and expected exports in each product.
Which of the following methods do you prefer to use when you pay for a product you've bought online?
Preferred e-commerce methods in Spain
Source: J.P. Morgan 2019 Payment Trends
Market Growth Imports (2020)
This score represents the likelihood that the given country will start importing that product in the next few years. It forecasts the opening of a new specific market.
Market Growth Exports (2020)
This score represents the likelihood that the given country will start exporting that product in the next few years. It forecasts the opening of a new specific market.
Information channels Spain’s public broadcaster RTVE competes with large and established commercial operators.TV is the main news medium and satellite and cable are popular digital platforms. Home-produced dramas, reality shows and long-running soap operas are staple fare on primetime TV. Regional TV networks are operated by their respective governments and there are many local stations. Movistar+, owned by telecom firm Telefonica, is the biggest pay TV provider. There is a free press that investigates high-level corruption, says US-based Freedom House. But the organisation raises concerns about the concentration of media ownership and what it says is political interference in public media. Facebook is the leading social media platform.
TVE – public, services include national networks La Primera and La 2, satellite-delivered TVE Internacional, rolling news channel 24 Horas Telecinco – national, commercial Antena 3 – national, commercial Cuatro – national, commercial
RNE – public, services include speech network Radio 1, cultural network Radio Clasica, youth-oriented Radio 3, news station Radio 5 Todo Noticias Cadena SER – commercial, operates more than 50 national, regional stations Onda Cero – commercial Cadena COPE – church-controlled
Religion Catholicism is the most common religion in Spain. People are not discriminated against by religion either in the workplace or in social life. Spaniards don’t usually ask about religious beliefs because they are assumed to be the same. But if there is a difference it is not an issue that would be a basis for discrimination.
Most Catholics in Spain call themselves “believers” but not “practitioners”. This means that they have been baptised and married according to religious ritual but that they don’t follow the other religious practices.
Class Social class in Spain is not relevant in terms of social relations or labour opportunities. Classes are divided according to money and not race, religion or any other factor. Culture and education are more important in order to succeed. A person from a lower class family who is well educated has the same opportunities for success as a person from a higher social class. Education, at all levels, is free in Spain.
There is only one class that is really different from the rest of Spanish people: nobility, which is very small. It is not even considered a true class since the possession of a noble title does not assure possessions, money, special treatment or any other favours. Spain is a democratic country where everyone has the same privileges and opportunities. The only advantage is the glamour related to such families.
Current health expenditure 10.74% of GDP
Current education expenditure 94.7% of total expenditure in public institutions
CO2 emissions 5.33 metric tons per capita
Corruption perceptions Index Spain scored 60 out of 100, ranked 35 out of 180 countries worldwide.
World Happiness Index Spain ranked 29 out of 146 countries, with a score of 6.476.
Glass Ceiling Index 63.6 out 100, ranked 15th out of 29 countries.
The glass-ceiling index measures the environment for working women combining data on higher education, labor-force participation, pay, child-care costs, maternity and paternity rights, business-school applications, and representation in senior jobs.
Gender Women and men are considered equals by law and in a general sense. But discriminatory behaviour against women does continue in certain levels of society. Companies find legal ways to pay less to women that are doing the same task as men. Women are preferred in certain tasks because they are considered less confrontational than men.
Employers prefer not to hire women that are married and in child-bearing age to avoid paying for maternity leave. It is a common practice to ask openly about marital status and future family plans in a job interview. For men it is seen as a good sign of maturity and stability; for women it is seen as a probability of a high level of absenteeism.
In general, gender is not a restricting feature of any kind, though in private life, women assume the major part of the work at home and the education of the children. This fact is changing among the younger generations and these changes are well regarded by the older generations. It is important to mention that there is a big difference between the rural areas and the cities.
Ethnicity Spain has traditionally been a very racially homogeneous country, all white, but mostly “latin-looking” in the southern regions and Caucasian-looking in the northern regions. But this fact is presently changing, given globalization and immigration. Spain has been traditionally a country of emigrants and not immigrants.
There are two distinct ethnicities that suffer from discriminatory behaviour in Spain: the gypsies and the Moors.
Gypsies in general have always been rejected for their completely different way of life. They usually only follow their own regulations and “patriarcas” (head of each family) and refuse to live according to any central national government laws or to any of the western standards like housing, jobs or education. Because of the huge differences with the “payo” (majority) culture, people are usually scared and consider them thieves, pocket lifters and tend to discriminate them in job opportunities, housing or education. Their way of life inside a western culture does not help to adjust and get money or a comfortable life, which has contributed to young gypsies suffering more the effects of drug addiction and the criminal world related to it. This hasn’t helped in their integration in society despite huge efforts of all Spain’s democratic governments to approach this community. Traditionally, Moorish culture has been perceived negatively in Spain; this includes Moroccans, Algerians, Lebanese and Turkish. Nobody really knows the reason for the aversion against northern Mediterranean culture since they have contributed a great deal to Spanish culture. The truth is that Spanish people discriminate against them. They consider them to be untrustworthy and such discrimination is not related to skin colour, race or religious practises.
A political and territorial community that claims the right to freely decide its own future.
Catalan is spoken by 10 million people in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, the Valencian Community, Andorra, Aragon, Alghero, Roussillon, and Carche.
On average, less than half the residents of these areas use the language daily. And Catalonia is no exception to this rule, with 40% of residents using Catalan as their lingua franca. *
* Catanyol = “street” Catalan. Due to the invasive presence of Castilian, spoken Catalan is packed with lexical borrowings and expressions acquired from Spanish.
Catalonia is an ancient European nation with many decades of history. A Mediterranean country, crowned by the Pyrenees, it has long been a crossing point between Europe and the Iberian Peninsula and, above all, a land of confluence and cultural cross-fertilization. Its geographical position has facilitated cultural exchange between north and south as part of a dynamic that has evolved over the years, shaping the personality of the region. Catalonia’s identity has thus been formed gradually, in a state of constant tension enriched by many influences that have forged the character of an open and engaging society, with its own history and a firm will to exist.
Ever since the region emerged as a political entity back in the 8th century, the relationship between Spain and Catalonia has always been combative. In the modern age, Catalonia has had to exist alongside a state that has opposed it. Both when controlled by authoritarian regimes and when governed by democratic parties, Spain has challenged, suspended, or abolished Catalan legislation, self-rule, and local laws.
Catalan, the language of Catalonia, is among the tools that the region has harnessed over the years to reaffirm its desire to independently choose its own future.
Today, Catalan is the primary language of state education, and it is used in politics, religious services, public administration, and place names. The language is viewed and promoted as a tool by which to assert the nation’s identity and unity. However, for those who do not speak it, the compulsory requirement to use Catalan can easily become counterproductive, a limiting factor for access to the workplace, culture, and public life. The language can become an instrument of separation, a guide used to define belonging and distinguish allies from foes.
While those who lived through the end days of Franco’s dictatorship supported the use of Catalan with the conviction that it would preserve and promote cultural heritage, the following generation had a far more conflict-ridden experience of the language question. At present, Spanish is used by 60% of people in Catalonia: a sure sign that, while the affirmation of the region’s will must involve Catalan, it must not exclude dialogue in Spanish. Yet there are still those who explicitly state that they feel uncomfortable expressing themselves in Spanish and would prefer any other European language. The problem is therefore linguistic but also political, because Spanish (a language spoken by a third of the world’s population, as well as by the rest of Spain) is associated with the hostile and perpetually adversarial government of Madrid.
“Write, talk, think in Catalan!”
This was the slogan written on one of the protest signs stuck up by students to reaffirm the exclusive use of Catalan in universities.
One thing is certain: the preservation of Catalan, to ensure that it represents an opportunity to define an identity rather than a limitation on identity itself, must go hand in hand with its integration with Spanish. Only thus can it play a fundamental role in the search for a solution to the conflict and in the quest for self-determination in Catalonia, a political and territorial community integrated into the nation of Spain that claims the right to freely decide its own future.
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Languages research
Languages and dialects spoken in Spain
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Photo credit: Alberto Di Marian, Unsplash
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