To which language should you translate to localize in Ukraine ?
What we know from our community
Ukraine is a country that has long been characterized by its linguistic and cultural diversity. With its official language Ukrainian and the presence of other languages like Russian, Romanian, Polish, and Hungarian, Ukraine has become a melting pot of different traditions. The country’s cultural landscape is equally diverse. This mix of cultures has given rise to a rich and vibrant artistic and intellectual life in Ukraine.
Ukrainian literature and art have a rich history that spans many centuries. From the epic poems of the medieval era to the modern works of contemporary writers and artists, Ukrainian culture is marked by a deep connection to the land and a strong sense of national identity.
One of the most famous works of Ukrainian literature is Taras Shevchenko’s collection of poems “Kobzar,” which tells the story of a blind minstrel who travels the country singing songs of love, loss, and freedom. Shevchenko’s work is celebrated for its lyrical beauty, as well as its powerful message of Ukrainian resilience in the face of oppression.
In addition to its literary tradition, Ukraine is also known for its vibrant and colorful art scene. From the folk art of the Carpathian Mountains to the avant-garde works of the Kyiv School, Ukrainian art reflects the country’s unique blend of Eastern and Western influences.
Today, Ukrainian literature and art continue to thrive, with a new generation of writers and artists pushing the boundaries of tradition and exploring new forms of expression. Whether celebrating the country’s rich cultural heritage or challenging the status quo, Ukrainian creatives continue to inspire and captivate audiences around the world.
The world recognizes Ukraine’s contributions to art and culture while supporting the country’s ongoing struggle for peace and stability. Ukraine’s unique position as a crossroads of different cultures should be celebrated and cherished. Its people should be given the support they need to build a better future for themselves and their country.
Україна – це країна, яка історично характеризується розмаїттям мов і культур. Офіційна мова — українська, але також наявні інші мови, такі як румунська, польська, угорська та російська. Україна стала місцем, де різні традиції поєднуються та збагачують одна одну. Культурний ландшафт країни настільки ж різноманітний, як і мовний. Ця суміш культур породила насичене та яскраве мистецтво в Україні.
Українська література та мистецтво мають давню багатостолітню історію. Від епічних поем середньовічної доби до творів сучасних письменників і художників, українська культура відображає глибокий зв’язком із землею та сильним почуттям національної ідентичності.
Одним із найвідоміших творів української літератури є збірка Тараса Шевченка «Кобзар», у ній розповідається про сліпого кобзаря, який мандрує країною, співаючи пісні про кохання, втрату та волю. Творчість Шевченка славиться своєю ліричною красою, а також потужним посилом про стійкість українців перед обличчям гніту.
Окрім літературної традиції, Україна також відома своєю яскравою мистецькою сценою. Від народного мистецтва Карпатських гір до авангардних творів Київської школи, українське мистецтво відображає унікальне поєднання східних і західних впливів країни.
Сьогодні українська література та мистецтво продовжують процвітати, з новим поколінням письменників і митців, які розширюють межі традицій і досліджують нові форми вираження. Незалежно від того, відзначають вони багату культурну спадщину країни чи кидають виклик статус-кво, українські творці продовжують надихати та захоплювати аудиторію в усьому світі.
Світ визнає внесок України в мистецтво та культуру, одночасно підтримуючи постійну боротьбу країни за мир і стабільність. Слід відзначати та плекати унікальне положення України як перехрестя різних культур. Його людям слід надати підтримку, необхідну для побудови кращого майбутнього для себе та своєї країни.
Ihor, English/Ukranian translator
Official language
Ukrainian 60%
T-Index ranks countries according to their potential for online sales.
Other languages
Russian 40%, Yiddish, Rusyn, Romanian, Belarusian, Crimean Tatar, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Polish, Armenian
Moderate proficiency (EF) – 40th out of 112 countries/regions in the world- 30/35 position in Europe.
Capital: Kyiv
Currency: Ukrainian hryvnia
Population: 43,8 million
Population density: 76 /km2
GDP: 200.09 billion USD (2021)
GDP per capita: 4,835.6USD (2021)
Exports: $52.7 billion (2021)
Internet users: 71.8% penetration, 31.10 million
Unemployment rate: 9.5% (2020)
Urbanisation: 69.35% (2018)
Literacy: 97% (2018)
Numbering system
Arabic numerals and comma as decimal separator
Date format: dd-mm-yyyy
Time: 24h time system
Country code: 00380
Language data sources: Worldatlas/Britannica//EF/Wikipedia; Demography data sources: IMF/Worldometers; Conventions data source: Wikipedia; Economy data sources: WTO/OEC/CIA/Esomar/Datareportal; Statistics data sources: Datareportal/WorldBank/UN/UNESCO/CEIC/IMF/Culturalatlas/Commisceoglobal
Facts and data
$56.1 billion (2020). Refined Petroleum ($3.59B), Cars ($3.35B), Packaged Medicaments ($2.04B), Petroleum Gas ($1.59B), and Coal Briquettes ($1.25B), importing mostly from China ($7.46B), Russia ($6.31B), Poland ($5.68B), Germany ($5.25B), and Belarus ($3.15B).
Financial inclusion factors (over 15 years of age)
• 63% have an account with a financial institution
• 27% have a credit card
• 29% make online purchases
Ease of doing business
It is easy to conduct business (rated 70.2 out of 100) ranked 18th out of 44 countries in Europe and Central Asia ranked 64th out of 190 countries worldwide (2020, World Bank)
$52.7 billion (2019). Seed Oils ($5.32B), Corn ($4.89B), Wheat ($4.61B), Iron Ore ($4.27B), and Semi-Finished Iron ($3.03B), exporting mostly to China ($7.26B), Poland ($3.26B), Russia ($2.97B), Turkey ($2.5B), and Egypt ($2.39B).
Economic freedom
‘Mostly not free’ (54.1 out of 100) ranked 44th out of 45 European countries ranked 139th out of 186 countries worldwide (2022, Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal)
Global Innovation Index
Ranked 32nd out of 39 European countries, 49th out of 132 worldwide.
The Global Innovation Index captures the innovation
ecosystem performance of 132 economies and tracks the most recent global innovation trends.
Economy data sources: WTO/OEC/CIA/Esomar/Datareportal
Service Imports (2018)
Source: OEC
Service Exports (2018)
Source: OEC
Most complex products by PCI
Product Complexity Index measures the knowledge intensity of a product by considering the knowledge intensity of its exporters
Source: OEC
Most specialised products by RCA Index
Specialisation is measured using Revealed Comparative Advantage, an index that takes the ratio between Ukraine observed and expected exports in each product
Source: OEC
Export Opportunities by Relatedness
Relatedness measures the distance between a country's current exports and each product, the barchart show only products that Ukraine is not specialized in
Source: OEC
Distribution of payment methods used for online transactions in Ukraine in 2018
Sources: Worldpay; Paypers

Reach most of the online purchasing power
T-Index ranks countries according to their potential for online sales. It estimates the market share of each country in relation to global e-commerce.
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Media language
Information channels
Television is the most powerful sector of the media industry and the main news source for most Russians, although its dominance is being eroded by the internet. The top national TV networks are either state-run or owned by companies with close links to the Kremlin. The government controls Channel One and Rossiya 1 – the leading channels – while state-run energy giant Gazprom owns NTV. The thriving pay-TV market is led by the satellite platform Tricolor. A project to bring digital TV to every Russian home is close to completion, although some analogue transmissions continue. RT, launched in 2005 as the state-funded English-language TV station Russia Today, is the flagship of Russia’s international media operations. It has launched TV networks in Arabic, Spanish and French. Since the Ukraine crisis, Russian state media have intensified the pro-Kremlin and nationalistic tone of their broadcasts, broadcasting a regular diet of adulation for Mr Putin, nationalistic pathos, fierce rejection of Western influence and attacks on the Kremlin’s enemies. Some observers have accused pro-Kremlin TV of spreading disinformation and conducting an information war both at home and abroad. There are more than 3,000 licensed radio stations. The three main state networks Radio Rossii, Mayak and Vesti FM compete with music-based commercial stations. Of the 18,000 registered newspapers, 20 can be described as national titles. The most popular papers are pro-Kremlin and several influential dailies are owned by companies with close links to the Kremlin.
UA:First – public
Inter TV – national, commercial
1+1 – national, commercial
STB – commercial
Novy Kanal – commercial
ICTV – commercial
Ukrayina – commercial
5 Kanal – commercial, news
TV 112 – commercial, news
Hromadske TV – web-based
Ukrainian Radio – operated by state-owned National Radio Company of Ukraine
Russkoye Radio – commercial
NRJ – commercial
Hit FM – commercial
Nashe Radio – commercial
Radio NV – commercial, news and talk
The press
Fakty i Kommentarii – mass-circulation tabloid daily, in Russian
Vesti – mass-circulation tabloid daily, in Russian
Segodnya – mass-circulation daily, in Russian
KP v Ukraine – Ukrainian franchise of Russian tabloid
Argumenty i Fakty v Ukraine – Ukrainian version of Russian weekly
Zerkalo Nedeli – political weekly
Vecherniye Vesti – weekly
Holos Ukrayiny – parliamentary daily
Kyiv Post – English-language weekly
News agency
Ukrinform – state-run, English-language pages
UNIAN – private, English-language pages
Interfax-Ukraine – private, English-language pages
Ukrayinska Pravda – news site
TSN – multimedia news site
Media data source: BBC
Internet Data
Internet users
71.8% penetration, 31.10 million
Share of web traffic by device
36.43% mobile phones, 62.36% computers (laptops and desktops), 1.20% tablet devices, others 0.01%
Median speed of mobile Internet connection
27.26 Mbps
Median speed of fixed Internet connection
51.70 Mbps
Mobile connection as a percentage of total population: 144.6%
Percentage of mobile connections that are broadband (3G-5G): 86%
Most popular web search engines
Google (94.1%), Yandex Ru (4.4%), Bing (0.48%), Yahoo (0.38%), (0.3%), Duckduckgo (0.23%)
Most used social media
Facebook (40.36%), Pinterest (23.66%), Instagram (14.09%), Twitter(10.14%),Youtube (8.56%), Vkontakte (1.64%)
Internet data sources: Datareportal/Statcounter
Social statistics
Life expectancy
71.78 yrs (2017)
Average age of the population
41.2 yrs (2020)
69.35% (2018)
During Soviet times, citizens were strongly discouraged from celebrating religious holidays or attending services. As a result, several generations grew up without religious values or traditions. Since independence, there has been a religious revival in Ukraine. Most Ukrainians are Eastern Orthodox, which comprises Russian Orthodox, Ukrainian Orthodox and Autocephalous persuasions. There are more Roman Catholics and Greek-Catholics in Western Ukraine; the latter follow the Orthodox tradition of religious services and allow for married clergy. There are a number of Muslims (i.e. Crimean Tatars) as well as a strong presence of Judaism in some parts of the country.
There are two main ethnic groups in Ukraine: Ukrainians (about 78% of the total population) and Russians (17%). Other ethnic groups include Crimean Tatars, Moldovians, Jews, Polish, Romanians, Hungarians and other Baltic and eastern Europeans.
Healthcare expenditure
7.1% of GDP (2016)
Women are less visible in senior positions in the political and economic spheres, in keeping with the dominant belief that they should be less prominent. The dress code for women tends to place a heavy emphasis on looking feminine. The issue of sexual harassment, as it is understood in the West, is not understood or accepted in Ukraine. Some gestures that would be considered inappropriate between work colleagues tend to be commonplace in Ukraine, even if unwelcome by women.
Several recent donor-funded programs have introduced projects promoting equal rights for men and women. The projects are met with scepticism by both men and women as “gender equality” is rather misunderstood by both.
During the Soviet era, everyone was considered equal, although “some were more equal than others” – meaning that the Communist Party elite enjoyed unspoken rights and privileges unknown to the majority of the population. According to Soviet ideology, there were only two classes: peasants/workers and the so-called “intelligentsia” (i.e. professionals). As a consequence, notions of equality remain strong in Ukrainian society. In real life, however, class does engender nepotism.
Typically, Ukrainians acknowledge two classes their country today: rich and poor. The middle class is still not very significant in numbers.
Social statistics sources: WorldBank/UN/UNESCO/CEIC/IMF
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Languages research
Languages spoken in Ukraine

Crimean Tatar
The geographical distribution of languages that you will find in the maps published in this section is a work in progress. Our community is helping us to fill it up with always new and updated data. Your contribution is precious. If you want to help us, please write to
Photo credit: Serj Tyaglovski , Unsplash